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Banks Control The Most Profitable Portion of Farmers Operations
Farmers today are farming like never before. They have higher yields than ever before, and the cost of doing business follows that same trend. It...
Those With Money Make the Rules
Each morning my day starts by looking at the latest ag news. Today I was looking for something that had to do with the finance portion of the...
$80,000 in Taxes May Be a $259,471 Loss
It's Tax Time. I am not sure I know a farmer who doesn't hate this time of year. You do everything you can do lower taxes. What about making money...
Why Can’t Farmers be Rich?
If you are following me on FaceBook you have seen I just shared a post from the corncrops.com site written by Lindsay Mitchell entitled, "Are...
63% of Your 401(k) Contribution Is Lost to Fees
Kerry Hannon from Forbes wrote a great article in January of 2013 about The Three Surprises in 401(k)s. This article was written so well there is no...
Lost Opportunity Costs – Cash is NOT King
Most people have never heard of Lost Opportunity Costs, just as I hadn't prior to teaching this concept. By us not knowing, we are losing money on a...
Why Investment Diversification and Tax Advantage Are Not What They Seem To Be
By putting money into an investment such as a Traditional IRA, Roth IRA, or 401K you are NOT truly diversifying and preparing for retirement. If you...
The Type of Interest is What Matters Most
Today's blog has the answer to one of the reasons you may not be getting ahead and stuck spinning your wheels. This one little word – uninterrupted...
When Can I Stop Paying My Premium?
This question is one of the more common questions I get when talking to people for the first time about whole life insurance. In fact, I just heard...
Borrowing Against Cash Value of Life Insurance
Borrowing against the cash value of life insurance is a very hot topic. Many do not understand how it works and many more, who may think they...
Are Premiums Expenses or Deposits?
Is it really an expense or is it a deposit in disguise? If the bank sent you a notice that you were to put money into your savings every month would...
Sharing Knowledge and Making People Think Are Two Different Things
Thought this fitting to blog about when I saw the photo. I see it every day, leading a human to the knowledge of Infinite Banking but don't think...