

The system of farming and ranching has changed over the last 100 years, but the financing of it has not.

From Mary Jo​…

Growing up on a farm and ranch operation, I understand firsthand what you go through.

You know the saying: “You can take the girl off the farm, but you can’t take the farm out of the girl.” Farming and the love of this lifestyle are in your blood. It doesn’t fade away just because you move into town, no matter where that town is.

What farmers and ranchers do is not easy, and income is far from stable—I understand this! My parents were purebred cattle breeders for nearly 30 years, and then one day, it was all gone. I sat in the sale barn and watched the dispersion sale. It’s not easy to sit and watch your identity disappear before your eyes. It didn’t stop there. I also remember the day my dad had to buy back equipment from my grandparents’ auction after they passed away.

When the Infinite Banking Concept was introduced to me, I KNEW farmers needed this. It was their saving grace—the one way to take back control of what has been lost to the banks for over 100 years. For years, many told me it wouldn’t work. But I wasn’t buying it. I refuse to give up on this industry, and there’s one thing I know—you, farmers, read. You may be stubborn and independent, but you read! Many may be scared to start. But heck, I’m stubborn and independent too, and I wasn’t giving up. Neither should you. I put pen to paper and set out to prove that it can and will work. That’s how ‘Farming Without the Bank’ was born.

It’s not easy being in any business, and it’s even harder when your livelihood is collateral for your loan and the banks’ names are on your “paycheck.” Not many understand this. Heck, not many understand why you do what you do every day, even when it means making no money. But I do. I understand that love, and I want to see farms living on for generations to come.

You can’t continue doing what you’ve been doing for the last 100 years. I’ve made it my mission to change the way farming is financed. There is hope, and I love sharing that hope with farmers and ranchers of all shapes and sizes. Make the banks Plan B, not Plan A. You may need the bank along the way, but it’s time to stop working for them and start working to leave a legacy for your kids, grandkids, and great-grandkids.

Mary Jo Irmen

Author | Speaker | Farm & Wealth Strategist

Hear from Mary Jo…


What people are saying…

“I called Mary Jo and we ‘hit the ground running’ so to speak. Looking back, I know I saved myself a lot of time and headaches. My policy is doing exactly what Mary Jo said it would and it’s the best thing I’ve ever done for my financial setup.”

Todd W.

About working with Mary Jo: “But again – thank you for all you do for us and all your patience and kindness in dealing with us (me) ? we couldn’t do it without you!”


“I decided to work with Mary Jo after reading the Farming without the Bank book…. My previous insurance agents, once they sold us the policy, they disappeared off the face of the earth…and after learning from Mary Jo how those policies actually work, now we know why!”

W. K.

“I read your book Farming Without the Bank in one sitting the day I received it in the mail. And it has been stewing in the back of my mind since I finished it.”

Mandy Thomas

“This book illustrates why I have been upside down with my finances all my life! My thinking was upside down! Banks don’t rule my life anymore and I am happy to tell people they are wrong and need to buy this book. By waiting you are wasting money.”

Larry Travnicek