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Work Smarter, Not Harder
The age-old ideals of work hard and you’ll be successful may not hold true if you are using it incorrectly. Is it work hard or be busy? Many of us...
Bookeeping for the Farm [Video]
Bookkeeping for the Farm Mary Jo Irmen, author of Farming Without the Bank, interviews Michelle Patten from Patten Bookkeeping about Ag, Farm, and...
Whole Life Vs The Stock Market
Discover why your money is more secure with a whole life insurance policy vs the stock market, as well as why pensions were safe, but no longer are...
The 1980’s Farm Crisis [Video]
The 1980's Farm Crisis Mary Jo Irmen and Wade Borth discuss the 1980's Farm Crisis. How it happened, the role that government interventions played,...
Elder Care Planning Q & A With Long Term Care Expert [VIDEO]
Don Quante, author of "Don't Go Broke in the Nursing Home" and veteran financial planner joins Mary Jo Irmen to share information about long term...
Small, Urban and Organic Farmers Benefit from Farming Without The Bank Strategy
In 2015, urban farmers produced 20% of the world's produce and another article claimed that nearly 50% of the inner city produce served was being...
Seeing is Believing – Caution: Undeniable Proof That You Can Farm Without The Bank is in Here
“It’s a Scam!” “Does it really work?”“She’s hiding something, there has to be a catch.” “If it was so good everyone would be doing it.” “Everyone...
Estate Planning Q & A With Estate Attorney [VIDEO]
Greg Gentry of Randall, Gentry, and Pike joined Mary Jo Irmen to talk about Estate Planning and Entity Structure on the Farming Without The Bank...
What Happens When Not All Of The Brothers & Sisters Want To Farm?
Are you facing this question? “How do we take care of our children that don’t farm to be sure we are leaving something to everyone, not just the kid...
5 Big Differences Between Universal Life and Whole Life Policies
I heard this opinion today, "Universal life is a whole life policy on steroids." I hope this blog post brings clarity and points out the...
Did you Know this About John Deere Financial?
The Ag Industry made the Wall Street Journal this week (the third week of July 2017) and it happens to be in the middle of a farm finance squeeze....
Whose responsibility is it to make farm financial decisions?
I’ll start off by saying this article is about an unpopular topic. I knew it wouldn’t be extremely popular, so I have been a bit hesitant to publish...